How to Use This Website

The Gibbs/Morriss Family Archive is a collection of images housed on a server that is rented and administered by Wayt VI. From the home page, click the big red “CLICK HERE” banner to enter the gallery. The first time you visit the gallery, you should register: click the “Reigster” link near the top left corner of the page. User registration allows us to know who is using the site.
Much of the material is organized by decade under the collection titled “Scrapbook Images and Family Papers.” Click on the thumbnail of an image to see it larger; you can then click the “photo sizes” icon at top left to see the image at full size.

Photo size selection menu

If you need help finding something or using the site, email Marney or Wayt VI by using the Contact option in the Gallery menu.

How to Search the Archive

To find particular images, click on Search in the Menu section of the navigation bar (see arrow in image below). Then type a name, dates, initials or other search term into the search field. The radio buttons below the search field allow you to toggle between AND searches (the default) and OR searches. You can also limit searches to specific albums (e.g., the album “Portraits” or the sub-album “1900-1920”) by putting information into the “Search in albums” field on this page.

Gallery search form