Gibbs/Morriss Family Archive

An archive of images and information on the ancestors, progenitors, and progeny of William Wayt Gibbs, IV and Dorothy Morriss Gibbs

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1946%2520MMG%2520Magna%2520Carta%2520Dames.jpg 1941 Life Magazine article on the birthplace p 3ThumbnailsDSC_6167_002.jpg1941 Life Magazine article on the birthplace p 3ThumbnailsDSC_6167_002.jpg1941 Life Magazine article on the birthplace p 3ThumbnailsDSC_6167_002.jpg1941 Life Magazine article on the birthplace p 3ThumbnailsDSC_6167_002.jpg1941 Life Magazine article on the birthplace p 3ThumbnailsDSC_6167_002.jpg

1946 Mary Morriss Gibbs enrolled in Magda Carta Dames